HESP Alliance welcomes Ceeblue as new member

Leuven, Belgium – September 21st, 2022 - The HESP Alliance today announced that Ceeblue, provider of an ultrafast video transcoding and streaming platform, has signed up as a member. Ceeblue will be able to implement high efficiency streaming workflows in its solutions, to provide for scalable sub-second latency live streaming and fast zapping to media companies through the High-Efficiency Streaming Protocol (“HESP”).

The HESP Alliance aims to accelerate standardization and large-scale adoption of high efficiency streaming through HESP. Alliance members can license the technology; integrate it into their video packaging and playback solutions; and develop and share HESP extensions to drive further innovation. A verification program for HESP solutions ensures interoperability across packaging, playback and CDN solutions and provides peace of mind for media companies deploying high efficiency streaming services.

Ceeblue provides real-time streaming solutions to infinite devices on any protocol. Ceeblue’s ultrafast video transcoding and streaming platform brings thousands of people across the globe together, to share experiences as they happen. Ceeblue already supports WebRTC, RTMP, SRT, LL-HLS, CMAF, and others, and will now additionally implement support for HESP, to provide for scalable sub-second latency live and interactive experiences and fast zapping capabilities, including DRM.

“The market demand for HESP was patent at IBC this year,” said Danny Burns, Founder &
CTO at Ceeblue. “Ceeblue has always been committed to providing ultra-low latency
transcoding and delivery solutions that are specifically adapted to our customers’ workflows.
By providing HESP support, we will extend this capability to many new users and novel use

"We are pleased to have Ceeblue, as provider of a real-time interactive CDN, join the HESP Alliance," said Steven Tielemans, President of the HESP Alliance. “We look forward to working together with Ceeblue to enable HESP into their transcoding and streaming platform, to provide for real-time streaming at scale, to avoid
spoiler effects from social media and neighbors for live sports streaming, and to create interactive experiences at scale for use cases such as betting and online auctions.”

About HESP Alliance
The HESP Alliance, founded by Synamedia and THEO Technologies, brings together streaming video vendors and media companies to provide superior online video quality of experience at reduced cost through standardizing and advancing the High Efficiency Streaming Protocol (HESP) and marketing of HESP solutions.
Twitter: @AllianceHESP
LinkedIn: HESP Alliance

About Ceeblue
Since the company was founded in 2017, Ceeblue’s team of seasoned networking, video and
cloud engineers has been working to bring ultra-low latency interactivity to mass markets.
Ceeblue’s protocol-agnostic philosophy, along with their unique transcoding solution and
WebRTC implementation, allow sub-second streaming to be deployed at scale like never

Twitter: @CeeblueBV
LinkedIn: Ceeblue
Facebook: Ceeblue

Media Contact:
Bart Van Oosterhout, HESP Alliance External Communications Working Group Chair, contact@hespalliance.org


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